LET ME TAKE this opportunity to extend a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to all our associates and contributors, to our editor, and to our regular columnists for their contributions this past year – and to wish all our collaborators, friends and followers a peaceful and restorative Christmastide.
While for some, Christmas is a time of great joy, celebration and family activity, for others it is not an easy period. It can even be a painful and isolating one, especially in the wake of loss or illness. As the Quakers beautifully put it, we are holding you all in the Light.
Ekklesia reached the grand old age of 20 years in 2022, and we are a full 21 next May. We will be marking that with a publication and a number of other initiatives. But this will also be a time for reflection on our future.
I feel that my own time as director (a role that I shared with Jonathan Bartley from 2005-16, and have been doing solo for the past seven years) is coming to an end. I am very much hoping and intending that Ekklesia can find a new home over the coming year, and will say more about that when we return properly in 2023.
Some conversations about our future have already been taking place over the past year, and that will continue with more focus in 2023. Connected to this, but a distinct enterprise, is Ekklesia Publishing, which we definitely want to continue in some form. It is now effectively the holding and hosting activity for the work of Ekklesia more widely.
If any of you reading this have thoughts and suggestions about any of the above, please do feel free to get in touch via our feedback form.
In the meantime, renewed seasonal greetings and thanks!