Following the success of the Accord Coalition fringe meeting at the Church of England’s General Synod in February, a further event will take place at the Synod in York, at lunchtime on Monday 9 July 2012.
Following the success of the Accord Coalition fringe meeting at the Church of England’s General Synod in February, a further event will take place at the Synod in York, at lunchtime on Monday 9 July 2012.
Speakers will include Accord supporters the Rev Stephen Terry, Rector of the Parish of Aldrington in Hove, Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain, and Simon Barrow, co-director of Ekklesia.
The focus will be on how community schooling creates benefit for all, and how the churches can and should become an important part of a fresh focus on inclusion.
The Accord Coalition brings together people of both religious and non-religious commitments who wish to see an end to discrimination based on religion or belief in schooling.
The Accord-sponsored meeting comes ahead of the evening Synod debate on the Church of England’s Chadwick Report, ‘The Church School of the Future’, which reformers felt falls far short of what is needed to meet the needs of educational change and social justice.
The meeting takes place at 1pm at the Exhibition Centre, University of York Campus, where the General Synod is being held.
Ekklesia has long argued that there are strong Christian grounds for a significant shift in faith schools policy.
* Accord Coalition: