A further meeting of the Anabaptist Theology Forum (England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and some friends from mainland Europe) has been scheduled for Tuesday 3 December from 11am through to Wednesday 4 December at 2pm.

A further meeting of the Anabaptist Theology Forum (England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and some friends from mainland Europe) has been scheduled for Tuesday 3 December from 11am through to Wednesday 4 December at 2pm.

The programme is being finalised, but will include the usual mix of presentations on themes related to contemporary theological and discipleship issues, together with historical explorations.

The new venue will be BMS International Mission Centre in Selly Oak, Birmingham. The previous long-term venue for our overnight meetings, Offa House Retreat Centre near Leamington Spa, has now closed.

A website has now been established as a point of information and contact. Go to: http://anabaptisttheology.wordpress.com/

The group is an invitation-based one, but we welcome enquiries from practical theological reflectors and reflective practitioners in alignment or sympathy with Anabaptist, Mennonite and peace church strands of thought and action.

© Simon Barrow is co-director of Ekklesia and lives in Edinburgh Along with Dr Linda Wilson, from Bristol, he helps coordinate the meetings of the Anabaptist Theology Forum. Email: simon.barrowATekklesia.co.uk