Recently, we have been pleased to relay on Ekklesia several broadcast interviews with our lead Middle East commentator and associate, Dr Harry Hagopian, featured on CivilNet TV.
Recently, we have been pleased to relay on Ekklesia several broadcast interviews with our lead Middle East commentator and associate, Dr Harry Hagopian, featured on CivilNet TV.
CivilNet TV is one of the branches of work of the Civilitas Foundation, which seeks to make a positive contribution to thought and action about the future of Armenia by, in its own rubric, “strengthening civil society, reducing rural poverty, promoting discourse, advancing cooperation, [and] raising awareness” of the country and its people.
With the support of Norwegian and German governments, a few months ago the Civilitas Foundation began to conduct polls throughout Armenia. The results of these are being made available to the media and will serve as the basis for a range of public discussions.
The Foundation explains its name and purpose as follows: “In the spirit of the Latin Civilitas – the citizen’s responsibility to society – the Civilitas Foundation encourages the responsibility of every citizen to contribute to the realisation of a functioning and prosperous democracy and promotes the right of every individual to benefit from his/her full potential.
“The Foundation’s goals of generating and fostering innovative ideas and initiatives and assisting or creating the mechanisms and institutions that bring them to fruition are met through two major program areas: The Council on International Relations and the Democracy and Development Initiative.
“Through the Council on International Relations, the Civilitas Foundation highlights Armenia’s role and options in global and regional processes and addresses how they affect Armenia and the region. The Foundation contributes to peace and stability in the Caucasus and beyond, guided by the principle of consistent, open and objective discourse, utilising cultural, educational and political dialogue.
“The Development and Democracy Initiative leverages domestic, international and Diaspora resources to affect meaningful change in Armenia. In its support of democratisation, the Civilitas Foundation focuses on education and media. In promoting uniform development, the Foundation highlights and concentrates on rural development, environmental awareness and education.
“The Foundation engages, supports Democracy and Development, giving context to participatory efforts, and facilitates and maximizes work already underway for deep democratisation and just and sustainable development.
“The Civilitas Foundation leads to ensure improvement where needed, change when necessary, with dignity always.”
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