‘Following Jesus on the margins’ is the strapline of the Crucible course, now in its ninth year in Birmingham, equipping pioneers of new forms of church for a changing culture.
‘Following Jesus on the margins’ is the strapline of the Crucible course, now in its ninth year in Birmingham, equipping pioneers of new forms of church for a changing culture.
Crucible is part of the Anabaptist Network of Organisations (http://www.anabaptistnetwork.com/node/553) of which Ekklesia is also pleased to be a member.
The course runs in Selly Oak, Birmingham, from 9-10 November 2013. Bookings are encouraged as early as possible.
‘After Christendom’ is the part of stream 1, which investigates the many opportunities, as well as the challenges, that the end of imperial Christianity presents. A core week-end which sets the context for all that we explore together in Crucible. See more at: http://www.cruciblecourse.org.uk/crucible-course/crucible-course/38-after-christendom-stream-1#sthash.5MpLHnRA.dpuf
‘Restoring Hope’ is the part of stream 2, which explores how, in light of God’s mission to bring shalom (peace) to all creation, we can live towards that hope and create communities of peace. A big picture week-end with stretching insights. Further details at: http://www.cruciblecourse.org.uk/crucible-course/crucible-course/44-restoring-hope-stream-2#sthash.U9CAKZ8H.dpuf
For 2014 the themes are Urban Challenge, Becoming Human, Creating New Churches and Jesus Unplugged.
* Full details at: www.cruciblecourse.org.uk