Commenting on the lunch of the Children’s Society campaign ‘Fair and Square’ today, which calls for all children living in poverty in England to receive free school meals, Simon Barrow, co-director of the Christian thinktank Ekklesia, which is backing the initiative, said:
“Good nutrition isn’t a luxury, its an essential. Without decent food, health problems will multiply and millions will remain trapped in impoverished lives.
“Proper school meals for children from working families shouldn’t be denied to those on low incomes and with limited budgets.
“Given changes to the benefits system and cuts effecting the most vulnerable, the Children’s Society is right to identify free school meals for those on Universal Credit as an axial issue.
“This is a matter of justice, not charity; common interest, not profligacy.”
* A summary and full copy of the report:
* More information:
* Organisations that back ‘Fair and Square’: