“A constantly developing situation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region requires an equally constant and developing vigilance,” comments regional expert and Ekklesia associate Dr Harry Hagopian in introducing his latest podcast for the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.

“A constantly developing situation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region requires an equally constant and developing vigilance,” comments regional expert and Ekklesia associate Dr Harry Hagopian in introducing his latest podcast for the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.

Available on Soundcloud and iTunes, the broadcast looks specifically at the place and role of Turkey betwixt and between Europe and MENA, elaborating on themes picked up in his earlier article ‘What is Turkey’s MENA role today?’ (http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/node/19246).

Dr Hagopian has just returned from ten days travelling within the region.

* Listen here: https://soundcloud.com/catholicchurch/turkey-one-foot-in-europe-one and http://www.catholicnews.org.uk/mena-2013-pod-13

Harry Hagopian is an international lawyer, ecumenist and EU political consultant. He also acts as a Middle East and inter-faith advisor to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales and as Middle East consultant to ACEP (Christians in Politics) in Paris. He is a regular Ekklesia contributor (http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/HarryHagopian).

Formerly an Executive Secretary of the Jerusalem Inter-Church Committee and Executive Director of the Middle East Council of Churches, he is now an international fellow, Sorbonne III University, Paris, consultant to the Campaign for Recognition of the Armenian Genocide (UK), Ecumenical consultant to the Primate of Armenian Church in UK & Ireland, and author of The Armenian Church in the Holy Land. Dr Hagopian’s own website is www.epektasis.net Follow him on Twitter here: @harryhagopian