by Sean Reilly | Jun 27, 2008
Christian Aid, one of the UK’s Leading development charities, has launched a new partnership with Exeter Friendly, a not-for-profit private medical care provider. The scheme invites the charity’s supporters to join the scheme, in return for which Exeter Friendly...
by Sean Reilly | Nov 14, 2007
Before switching your car insurance consider going green and getting some environmentally friendly ethical car insurance. The Green Insurance Company is for drivers who want to save more than just money – saving money and the planet at the same time. The...
by Sean Reilly | Nov 14, 2007
Religious organisations already have a major stake in the global economy and can now shift decisively towards using their resources for ethical purposes and to redistribute wealth to the poor, a major group of faith investors says. “Faith organisations have the real...
by Sean Reilly | Nov 8, 2007
More and more people are choosing to cut out the middleman and sell their house privately. Not only does it cut out hefty estate agent’s fees, making properties more affordable, but it also helps to build the relationship between seller and buyer. Selling your...
by Sean Reilly | Nov 7, 2007
Click here to compare credit cards and change to a charity credit card through uSwitch Credit cards offering to donate small percentages of money to charity are becoming more and more popular with ethical shoppers, but recent research has revealed that some credit...