A Litany of Gratitude from Web of Creation (Director Dr David Rhoads)
We live in all things
All things live in us
Response: We rejoice in all life.
We live by the sun
We move with the stars
Response: We rejoice in all life.
We eat from the earth
We drink from the rain
We breathe from the air
Response: We rejoice in all life.
We share with the creatures
We have strength through their gifts
Response: We rejoice in all life.
We depend on the forests
We have knowledge through their secrets
Response: We rejoice in all life.
We have the privilege of seeing and understanding
We have the responsibility of caring
We have the joy of celebrating
Response: We rejoice in all life.
We are full of the grace of creation
We are graceful
We are grateful
All: We rejoice in all life