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1000th mystery worshipper hits London mega-church


The 1000th Mystery Worshipper report, to be published on Palm Sunday (20 March), recounts the return of ëNick OíDemusí to Kensington Temple, London – subject of the first report in April 1998.

Created by Christian webzine, and based loosely on the Mystery Shopper research concept, Mystery Worshippers visit churches worldwide, undercover. The comfort of pews, warmth of welcome, length of sermon, style of music – all come under scrutiny of an army of volunteer ëspiesí.

ëA young woman went forward for prayer at Kensington Temple,í reports Nick OíDemus (all Mystery Worshippers assume a pseudonym). ëShe shook violently and collapsed to the floor, caught by a couple of the prayer team. No one was very surprised. I realised this was almost routine – as regular as taking up the collection.í

Kensington Temple (ëKTí) is at the centre of a network of churches across London known as the London City Church. Video links connect worship services. TV screens fill the building, stage lights power down from the ceiling.

‘I appreciated seeing the genuine, shining faith of people around me, especially during the singing,’ reports Nick, ‘and Pastor Bruce has a beautifully-clear speaking voice which becomes very powerful when he goes into Pentecostal overdrive.’

However, the amount of technology proved intrusive. Venturing to the front for prayer himself – ësomething on the low ceiling under the balcony in front of me suddenly moved – a remote-controlled camera that twisted like a reptile until it pointed directly at me. I was left wondering what the camera was for… worship surveillance?í

No-one spoke personally to the Mystery Worshipper – ëyou could probably die in your seat at KT and people would still ignore you until you slumped to the floor.í Ironically, the first person to strike up a conversation with Nick was Jimmy – sitting on a pavement outside the church in a sleeping bag, pulling on a cigarette.

ëHe asked me if I had any change,í recalls Nick. ëHe told me a friend had recommended KT – and what a great church it was – ìeveryone knows me here, even the pastors.”í

Nick OíDemus thinks KT should employ Jimmy – ëfor his interpersonal skills.í

The Mystery Worshipper project enters a new, intriguing phase in April – with the first city-wide ëmassí event. More than 100 Greater London churches will be visited by a Mystery Worshipper on Sun April 24th – ëbut we’re not going to reveal exactly which ones!í says editor Simon Jenkins.

ëWhether theyíre happy-clappy, bells and smells or rock the flock, weíll have a better picture of what neighbouring churches were like in one 24-hour period,í suggests Stephen Goddard, co-editor of ëWith a General Election expected just a week or two after Mystery Worshipper Sunday, it will be interesting to see how different denominations relate to the political issues of the day – if at all.í