Short hits back at pro-lifers


Clare Short, the former British Secretary of State for International

Development, has hit back at a pro life group fo

Short hits back at pro-lifers


Clare Short, the former British Secretary of State for International

Development, has hit back at a pro life group following its claims about her support for abortion and population control, upon her resignation.

The departure of Clare Short from the cabinet elicited a mixed response from Christian pressure groups.

Aid agencies praised her as a “forthright campaigner” for the Third World. However the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child (SPUC) said in a statement that she would ìnot be mournedî.

SPUC political spokesman Anthony Ozimic suggested that pro-lifers would ìnot mourn the resignation of Clare Short from the governmentî but mourn instead ìthe countless numbers of innocent unborn children that were killed by the abortion programmes that she helped impose upon vulnerable women in poor countries.î

But in a letter to the Catholic Times Ms Short has now rebutted the allegations, saying that SPUCís suggestion that she or her former department ìsupport imposed abortion or population control is defamatoryî and ìa complete lieî.

Anthony Ozimic has now promised to publish ìa detailed accountî and assessment of Ms Shortís actions ìso that people can judge for themselves who is being truthful.î

Short hits back at pro-lifers


Clare Short, the former British Secretary of State for International

Development, has hit back at a pro life group following its claims about her support for abortion and population control, upon her resignation.

The departure of Clare Short from the cabinet elicited a mixed response from Christian pressure groups.

Aid agencies praised her as a “forthright campaigner” for the Third World. However the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child (SPUC) said in a statement that she would ìnot be mournedî.

SPUC political spokesman Anthony Ozimic suggested that pro-lifers would ìnot mourn the resignation of Clare Short from the governmentî but mourn instead ìthe countless numbers of innocent unborn children that were killed by the abortion programmes that she helped impose upon vulnerable women in poor countries.î

But in a letter to the Catholic Times Ms Short has now rebutted the allegations, saying that SPUCís suggestion that she or her former department ìsupport imposed abortion or population control is defamatoryî and ìa complete lieî.

Anthony Ozimic has now promised to publish ìa detailed accountî and assessment of Ms Shortís actions ìso that people can judge for themselves who is being truthful.î