Keeping an eye on China

Mao Zedong died in 1976, and since then, two big things have hap­pened to China. The first is the explosion of the Chinese economy. Everybody has been talking about that. The other is the explosion of religion. The distinguished sinologist Pro­fes­sor David Ownby went...

German Olympic bracelets highlight human rights issues

A German church has far exceeded its initial expectations in so far distributing more than 200,000 black bracelets intended as a symbolic protest against human rights abuses in China during the Olympic Games in Beijing. “It shows that people want to stand up for...

Mennonites assist with ongoing China relief efforts

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) and Mennonite Partners in China (MPC) have jointly provided US$80,000 to support the relief work of churches in Sichuan and $20,000 to support the relief work of The Amity Foundation, a Chinese humanitarian organization. The news...