Prime Minister to meet Faithworks award winners at No 10

As the debate on church and welfare continue, the Prime Minister and other senior government figures today host a reception with the winners of the 2008 Faithworks Awards at No 10 Downing Street. The winners, who all won monetary grants earlier this year to help...

Black campaigners say UK mental health services are failing

Churches, faith groups, racial justice campaigners and civic and community organisations need to work together more determinedly in the face of continuing serious failures in mental health provision, says Black Mental Health UK. Commenting on the biannual report of...

Don’t misuse religion to suppress women, says Cherie Booth

Religion and culture are abused when they are employed illegitimately to justify the suppression of women and the denial of their equal humanity, human rights lawyer Chrie Booth argued yesterday in a lecture at Chatham House in London. Ms Booth, who is married to...