Campaigning clothing – and its fairtrade

You can now get a wide selection of campaigning clothing from “say pants to poverty” underpants through to t-shirts. And of course, they are all fairtrade! You can get them from the ethical superstore here

Fairtrade clothing arrives at Clothes Show Live

Fairtrade clothing is making its debut in a big way at the Clothes Show Live this week – and with good reason, for now there are a wide range of good sources for fairtrade clothes: 1. Adili Adili brings together a community of producers, designers and customers...

Fairtrade women’s tops – fairtrade women’s clothing

There are now a great range of fairtrade clothes including fairtrade women’s tops to choose from. Fairtrade women’s clothing and tops are now available in several high street shops. Below is a list of fairtrade women’s clothes and where to buy...