Peacemaking after Christendom

During Christianity’s early years, as the church moved from being a series of transitional movements to a collection of settled institutions, a blurring occurred in the distinction between Pax Christi, the kind of peace made possible by Jesus the Son of God, and Pax...

Whose mission is it anyway?

Some sections of the Anglican Communion are convinced that only their narrow vision of what is permissible in faithfulness to the Christian message is adequate. Those who disagree must be excised or shunned. We have been here before. Indeed the first Council of the...

Church leader honoured for work against racism and apartheid

The Rev Philip Potter, a former general secretary of the World Council of Churches, has been honoured by the South African government for his determined commitment to combatting racism and apartheid in the 1970s and 1980s. On 22 April 2008, President Thabo Mbeki...

Why Christianity remains a novel idea

OK, so it’s a bit of a cop out to say that Christianity would be great if only it were practiced properly – but I am far from the first to suggest it. G K Chesterton expressed it better when he proposed that Christianity had not been tried and found wanting…...

Churches urge a vote against extremism and racism on 1st May

Three UK Free Church Christian denominations are urging voters to take a stand against racist and extreme political parties as election day for local councils in England and Wales draws near. 1 May 2008 is election day for many local councils as well as for the Mayor...