by Sean Reilly | Jun 6, 2008
“The Lord’s Prayer highlights that having enough to eat is, and has always been, central to the Christian idea of a world shaped by justice and mercy,” observes Sushant Agrawal, Director of the Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA) in...
by Sean Reilly | May 11, 2008
While the food crisis in North Korea continues largely unnoticed in the wider world, due to the country’s isolation, a North American Anabaptist peace church is taking quiet steps to provide agricultural assistance. A grant of U$42,500 from the Church of the...
by Sean Reilly | Mar 14, 2008
Catholic charities in the US called yesterday for more to be done to help the estimated 35 million Americans who are impacted by hunger. At the White House, Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) called for the strengthening of federal nutrition programs and innovative...