by Sean Reilly | Aug 29, 2008
At the end of July 2008 I went to Prague this for the Tenth International (Dietrich) Bonhoeffer Congress, to present a synoptic view of fundamentalism(s). The conferees were probing ways in which the life and record of the theologian put to death by the Nazis in the...
by Sean Reilly | Jun 26, 2008
Let Damon Linker, author of The Theocons: Secular America Under Siege summarize Charles Marsh and his Wayward Christian Soldiers: Freeing the Gospel from Cultural Captivity : “A professor of religion at the University of Virginia and a devout evangelical, Marsh...
by Sean Reilly | Feb 27, 2008
The Church of England today is a weak institution with a strong leader. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, though given few official powers, uses his office and voice in efforts to hold together the polarized eighty-million-member Anglican Communion [1]. He is...
by Sean Reilly | Feb 27, 2008
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