by Sean Reilly | Aug 21, 2008
The campaign for a Welsh team at future Olympic Games has been stepped up with the launch of a national petition on the Welsh Assembly’s website. The petition by Dr Geraint Tudur, general secretary of the Union of Welsh Independent Chapels, says: “We call...
by Sean Reilly | Jul 19, 2008
A German church has far exceeded its initial expectations in so far distributing more than 200,000 black bracelets intended as a symbolic protest against human rights abuses in China during the Olympic Games in Beijing. “It shows that people want to stand up for...
by Sean Reilly | Jun 27, 2008
The Chinese government has given permission for special distribution of booklets of the Gospels, copies of the New Testament and full Bibles during the Olympic Games. Olympic athletes and visitors will be allowed to take religious and spiritual materials from a...
by Sean Reilly | May 28, 2008
Join the campaign by clicking here Yang Chunlin is 52 years old and a human rights activist in China. He has been sentenced to 5 years in prison for his involvement in collecting signatures for a petition entitled “We Want Human Rights, not the Olympics. For six days...
by Sean Reilly | Mar 24, 2008
Pro-Tibet freedom protesters from media rights group Reporters Without Borders broke through the cordon of 1,000 police officers in Olympia, Greece, as China’s envoy spoke and the Olympic torch was lit prior to the Beijing games. Human rights and free speech...