by Sean Reilly | Jun 25, 2008
A group including Evangelical, Baptist, Catholic, and Other Religious Leaders, six former Secretaries of State for Defence, and top officials from every US administration since the Vietnam war, are today calling on the US President to issue an executive order banning...
by Sean Reilly | Jun 25, 2008
Join the campaign by clicking here Campaigners are being urged to join Amnesty International’s Stop Torture campaign, ahead of tomorrow’s International Day in Support of Torture Victims. The International Day in Support of Torture Victims is organised by...
by Sean Reilly | Jun 24, 2008
Join Amnesty’s Stop Torture campaign by clicking here Amnesty International has today accused European governments of complicity and inaction over US-led rendition and secret detention, as it published a new report on European renditions and a ‘Six-point...