US writing ‘blank cheques’ for new weapons systems

The Bush administration is writing blank checks for weapons systems that are hundreds of billions of dollars over budget and years behind schedule while cutting funds that help real people at home and abroad, the Friends Committee on National Legislation (Quakers)...

Campaigners take on arms giant in high court review

The High Court will today hear the judicial review of the Serious Fraud Office’s decision to end its investigation into alleged corruption by BAE Systems in recent Saudi arms deals. Campaigners want to bring the arms giant to account. The two-day hearing will...

UK arms giant accused of wasting taxpayers’ money

The giant arms company BAE Systems is so far over budget with two of its latest projects that they will cost UK taxpayers £2.2 billion more than expected, a government report acknowledges. Peace campaigners say it is a scandal. The figure is revealed in a report by...