FAQ 13: Is it right to describe you as a ‘radical’ or ‘progressive’ think-tank?

Yes. But these words are often greatly misunderstood and misapplied.

Yes. But these words are often greatly misunderstood and misapplied.

‘Radical’ comes from radix (root), indicating that we need substantial grounding in order to be able to venture forth with boldness. We like that. Plus we think the Gospel message is radical in challenging social and religious elites. But when the word comes to mean fanaticism, opposition to reasoned discourse, or the advocacy of violence, Ekklesia says “no thanks”.

Similarly, we are ‘progressive’ in the sense that we see change coming through risk-taking hopefulness, not through a destructive lust for security and certainty. But we are no adherers to quaint doctrines of ‘human progress’. People are touched by glory and mired in muck, the Gospel suggests. We are all in need of continual transformation, personally and socially. That’s a realistic and hopeful estimate. Radical, even.

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