About Ekklesia

Ekklesia is an independent change network promoting transformative ideas for a better world.

Our aim is to connect positive beliefs and ethics with politics. We seek to be a ‘theatre for ideas’, combining reflection, action and culture. Our roots are in Christian social thought, but people of other convictions (both non-religious and religious) are vital partners. Our vision is one of justice, peace and sustainability for people and planet.

Established as a citizen-based think tank in 2001/2, Ekklesia has evolved into a reflection, briefing, policy, publishing, academic and advocacy organisation. We seek to be small, mobile, flexible and intelligent. 

We now feel that the designation ‘change network’ captures most of what we seek to do better than the corporatised and much-abused term ‘think tank’, though we will use the latter as a secondary description in the public policy area.

In any case we remain committed to a style of practical and theoretical investigation which could reasonably described as “thinking without tanks”.

Over the past 20 years well over 200 people have contributed directly to our work, including (at different stages) some 20 associates, two directors, three associate directors, a chief operating officer, an administrator, a publishing manager and seven board members.

At its peak, Ekklesia has attracted several thousand people a day to its website, briefings and reports. At present we have over 25,000 followers on  our various social media accounts, and we receive between 160,000 and a million visits to those per month.


  • More about our history, values, funding and activity. (See also the other drop-down menus on this site.)
  • A full overview of Ekklesia is available in *.PDF form here
  • To get in touch, please go to our contact page.


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