Ekklesia is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. It presently has four directors (two of whom jointly lead its work), a researcher, and a network of associates and consultants.

Ekklesia is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. It presently has four directors (two of whom jointly lead its work), a researcher, and a network of associates and consultants.

Unlike many think-tanks, Ekklesia is self-funding and receives no corporate donations. The main source of its income is the sale of books and reports online, a small amount of advertising, and the promotion of charitable gifts and fair trade goods.

Ekklesia raises in excess of £250,000 a year for peace, justice and development work. This means that each year it generates far more money for others than it earns for its own work.

Ekklesia’s staff are not salaried and support themselves through freelance income.

Ekklesia also operates independently of church structures and denominations. On this basis it works in partnership with a number of organisations who broadly share its values and perspective – including the Anabaptist Network UK, the London Mennonite Centre and Christian Peacemaker Teams UK.

Much of Ekklesia’s day-to-day operation takes place ‘virtually’ through the internet and by the use of new technologies. It works on mutual and cooperative terms with allies and supporters, rather than through bureaucratic structures.

Ekklesia organises and co-sponsors events and conferences. It has established its own ISP (Peacenik) and is the first think-tank to maintain a presence on the popular networking site, MySpace. It also offers a wide range of services – expert briefing, consultancy, training, workshops, seminars and more.