TODAY’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE CARE OF CREATION (1 September) marks the beginning of the ecumenical Season of Creation, which concludes on 4 October, the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. This year’s theme is ‘Listen to the voice of creation’.

Pope Francis has released a special message for the day of prayer, and numerous events and activities have been planned by churches and faith groups throughout the UK over the next month, with a wealth of resources available online.

On Thursday 8 September at 7pm, Operation Noah’s James Buchanan will give a Zoom presentation on fossil fuel divestment and investment in clean energy. The talk is part of the Scottish Laity Network’s Season of Creation.

On Tuesday 20 September at 7pm, Operation Noah will host a webinar exploring their upcoming report: Church Land and the Climate Crisis: A Guide to Action, which will outline the scope for reducing greenhouse gas emissions on church land as well as enhancing carbon sinks such as woodlands and peatlands.

Operation Noah is also launching a national campaign aimed at empowering people at the grassroots to call on the Church of England to divest its remaining investments in fossil fuels, and invest directly in climate solutions. There will be a one-hour ‘Divest the Church of England’ online training session on Tuesday 27 September at 5.30pm.

Young Christians are gathering in London on Friday 16 September and Saturday 17 September for the Climate Youth Ecumenical Summit, sponsored by Climate Yes! and Young Christian Climate Network. There will be other gatherings happening simultaneously around the world, with the opportunity to join online.

The Climate Coalition will hold this year’s ‘Great Big Green Week’ from 24 September to 2 October, with events around the UK celebrating climate action. To register your own event or to find an event near you, visit the Great Big Green Week website.

The Joint Public Issues Team has the Just Desserts resource, with prayers, video clips, discussion questions and additional information, designed to help with a special service for Harvest, or to celebrate the Season of Creation It can also be used in a small group setting.

CAFOD also has resources available online, centred around Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ which is a profound invitation to care for our common home.

* Read the Pope’s message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation here.

* More information on the Great Big Green Week here.

* Source: Operation Noah, CAFOD, and Joint Public Issues Team