QUAKERS IN BRITAIN have written to new Prime Minister, Liz Truss, urging her to focus on three priorities: climate justice and cost of living, peace, and truth and integrity in public life.
As the new prime minister begins her term in office, she should end the UK’s dependency on fossil fuels through a just transition, providing resources for retrofitting buildings for energy efficiency, Quakers suggest.
Higher taxes should be imposed on the oil and gas sector, Quakers write, using the revenue to ease costs for UK households and to invest in renewable energy. The UK should also back an international loss and damage finance facility to support communities around the world affected by climate breakdown.
True peace can only be created through a greener and fairer society, Quakers in Britain said. Long term pathways to peace and reconciliation should be pursued, including the UK taking part in negotiations towards nuclear disarmament.
In their letter, Quakers ask Liz Truss to take steps to foster truth and integrity in public life to create the trust essential to peace and democracy.
“We hope to work with you on these issues in the coming months and will hold you in the Light as you embark on this challenging journey”, writes Oliver Robertson, head of witness and worship at Quakers in Britain.
* Read the full letter here.
* Source: Quakers in Britain