EKKLESIA is delighted to be co-hosting an online seminar and discussion with our good friend Doug Hynd, an Australian theologian and activist whose ground-breaking book on community engagement after Christendom was launched earlier this year.
In this 90 minute event, introduced by Anabaptist Theology Forum (ATF) coordinator Linda Wilson, chaired by Ekklesia director Simon Barrow, and with a Q&A managed by ATF’s Fran Porter, Doug explores the fascinating relationship between subversive Christian history and current practice. His presentation is entitled An Anabaptist anticipation of post-Christendom engagement: Pilgram Marpeck as public servant and political theologian.
Doug Hynd is Adjunct Research Fellow at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, Charles Sturt University, Canberra, Australia. He is actively involved in refugee action, and is an Ekklesia associate with strong Anabaptist connections. He is author of Community Engagement After Christendom (Wipf & Stock, 2022).
Join us at 8pm on Thursday 13th October, or catch up later on YouTube.
* If you would like to attend in person, please drop a note via the contact form, and head it ‘Seminar’.