FAQ 6: How big a cross-section of church or public opinion do you represent?

We don’t claim to speak on behalf of others, but to draw public attention to alternative voices for change that often get overlooked in the ‘argument about religion’ – one where angry and sectional interests are (wrongly) seen as being the main ‘news’.

The fact that Ekklesia has been listed by major media outlets among a number of significant think-tanks in Britain, and that we have one of the most visited religious websites in the UK, suggests that there is a significant appetite for the perspectives we cover and viewpoints we develop.

Christians and people of other convictions are increasingly aware that violence, conspicuous consumption, planetary greed, social inequality, the diminution of civil liberties and selfish individualism are hugely destructive and unrealistic. We seek to articulate that mood through our research, comment and reporting.

A larger vision than that offered by narrow political opportunism is needed, and people of faith can help shape that vision – once they stop being defensive. We want to bring that alternative spirit ‘out of the closet’.

About 70 per cent of visitors to our website (many thousands each day) are from Britain and Ireland, with the other 30 per cent from different parts of the world. We focus on the UK, but with a global reach and engagement.

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