Ekklesia is pleased to be connected to both domestic and global initiatives in Anabaptist thinking about peace, justice and the role and witness of church communities in a changing world.

Ekklesia is pleased to be connected to both domestic and global initiatives in Anabaptist thinking about peace, justice and the role and witness of church communities in a changing world.

One of these is the journal ‘Anabaptist Witness’, co-edited by our friends Jamie Pitts (formerly at Edinburgh University, now Assistant Professor of Anabaptist Studies at Anabaptist Mennonite Theological Seminary in Elkhart, Indiana, USA) and Jamie Ross (who works for Mennonite Mission Network).

This initiative has been created out of the 42-year-old ‘Mission Focus’ journal, and the first issue looks at specifically Anabaptist and Mennonite understandings of Christian mission and the interchange between practice, missiology and Anabaptist identity.

It reflects ten different country and ethnic perspectives as well as a variety of agency perspectives. Articles vary from an interview to a sermon to more academic contributions. The fall issue contains an article in French with an English translation available online, and another article is intended to be available in both English and Spanish.

The editors have established a website, www.anabaptistwitness.org, where all content will be available to read online for no cost.

Through Amazon CreateSpace services, the journal will be available for digital reading devices and in print. Anyone who wants to receive it in print will be able to place orders on the Anabaptist Witness website for $10 a copy plus shipping charges.

The editors extended a call for papers for the second issue, scheduled for spring 2015, on the theme of how our understanding of the Anabaptist faith leads us to engage with other religions, to the end of this month (October 2014). Ekklesia has circulated this to some of our academic partners.

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