Ekklesia is working with a major church agency in England (in addition to our work in Scotland and possibilities in Wales) around the theme of ‘community transformation’.
Ekklesia is working with a major church agency in England (in addition to our work in Scotland and possibilities in Wales) around the theme of ‘community transformation’.
We have already interviewed a range of key actors in the fields of community development, action and change. Draft material is being put together for a report later this summer – but we would like both to ‘road test’ what we are gathering and thinking about, as well as to create a chance for other voices to contribute.
To that end there will be several ‘reflection gatherings’ to chew the fat (or lack of it!) in community transformation together. Two in Hull and Birmingham are already planned, but we have spaces for a meeting in London intended for 11.30pm until 4.30pm on Thursday 10th May 2012 – that is, in a fortnight’s time.
The themes we are looking at are cooperative living, economy, education, relationships and power. We are seeking a new vision and practical pathways forward; ways of addressing the blockages to change; and inspirations for a ground-up but liked approach to transforming communities.
A key question is, “What might happen if we really put the most vulnerable at the heart of our local communities?”
If you are interested in the possibility of taking part in a London meeting to review and add to material, please email me with information about yourself and your interest, plus contact details, as soon as possible: simon.barrowATekklesia.co.uk
(c) Simon Barrow is co-director of Ekklesia and a participant-researcher in this project.