On Sunday 12 October 2014, Ekklesia’s new chief operating officer, Virginia Moffatt, is taking part in the Oxford half marathon. In so doing she will be raising money for our work on welfare and inclusion, reconciliation, re-imagining remembrance, alternatives to austerity and more.

On Sunday 12 October 2014, Ekklesia’s new chief operating officer, Virginia Moffatt, is taking part in the Oxford half marathon. In so doing she will be raising money for our work on welfare and inclusion, reconciliation, re-imagining remembrance, alternatives to austerity and more.

This means that, in between helping to set up the infrastructure and support that Ekklesia will need to achieve sustainability and make a real contribution to creative Christian thinking about how we can live better together, Virginia has been training hard too!

Our staff and associates are enormously grateful for her efforts in both these areas. We would like to encourage you to support Virginia (and us) by making a contribution – details of how to do that are set out below.

Many think-tanks receive large corporate funding or support vested interests tied to significant money or political parties. We do not operate like that. We get our resources from our supporters, through social networks, through advertising, and through the transition help we are now receiving from Andrews Charitable Trust (which we need to match from money elsewhere in rider for it to continue).

We have ambitious but realistic plans over the next few years. We want to positively influence public debate about beliefs, values and political engagement. We want to to impact policy-making from the perspective of those marginalised by top-down institutions and top-down thinking. We want to support and resource Christian reflection and action for social change rooted in community and personal transformation.

To achieve those goals, we need your support. Virginia is running for change, and blogging on the issues behind her initiative. Please join her!

If you would like to support the work of Ekklesia, please do make a donation through Paypal marked ‘run’ . Alternatively please send a donation to the Ekklesia office, Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2H 8EP making it clear that your donation is in support of Virginia’s run. You can follow her progress on @run_ekklesia and see previous blogs here: http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/blogs/virginiamoffat