Ekklesia’s daily email bulletin will be formally taking a break from 24th December 2012 through to Thursday 3rd January, with the possibility of one instalment between Christmas and the New Year.

Ekklesia’s daily email bulletin will be formally taking a break from 24th December 2012 through to Thursday 3rd January, with the possibility of one instalment between Christmas and the New Year.

Newbriefings and commentary will continue to be added to the website, though on a more limited basis than usual during the holiday season.

An annual review will be issued shortly, and we will be re-launching the weekly ‘Thinking for a Change’ research-oriented bulletin in 2013.

Ekklesia’s (unsalaried) staff, associates and contributors would like to take this opportunity of wishing all our friends and supporters a very happy Christmas and peaceful New Year.

We are especially grateful for those who have continued with donations during an economically difficult time. The past year has been a major challenge for Ekklesia in terms of resources, but we are greatly cheered by the large amount of goodwill for our work, and a growing partnership with Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church and others, about which you will be hearing more in due course.

We are actively seeking new funding streams to help us move forward on a sustainable basis, and we are appreciative of the work of Jake Cunliffe and others in this regard.

* Secure donations to the work of Ekklesia through PayPal can be made here: http://tinyurl.com/ekklesiadonations

* Become an Ekklesia Partner: http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/content/services/partner.shtml

* About Ekklesia: http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/about

* Our Values: http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/about/values

* Frequently Asked Questions: http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/about/faqs

Simon Barrow, Jonathan Bartley

Jill Segger, Symon Hill
Associate directors