Critical Religion at the University of Stirling is among the subject areas offering Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Doctoral Awards under the Doctoral Training Partnership Scotland schemes in the Arts and Humanities.
Critical Religion at the University of Stirling is among the subject areas offering Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Doctoral Awards under the Doctoral Training Partnership Scotland schemes in the Arts and Humanities.
Strong applications in and around the areas and issues of Critical Religion will be considered. See the Critical Religion staff pages for research expertise:
For more information about eligibility and procedures for applying, see the following link:
Eligible candidates must first be accepted for a doctoral degree at the University of Stirling. Critical Religion staff would welcome initial enquiries, so please feel free to contact any member for further consultation.
Please also bear in mind the tight period in which to apply: deadline is Sunday 12 January 2014.
* Critical Religion at the University of Stirling:
* Critical Religion Association:
Ekklesia is pleased to partner the Critical Religion Association ( and to promote these academic research opportunities.