It is appropriate that we end 2013 by taking a look at a region which is a cradle of civilisations, faiths and hopes – but also a zone of enmity, bitterness and conflict.
It is appropriate that we end 2013 by taking a look at a region which is a cradle of civilisations, faiths and hopes – but also a zone of enmity, bitterness and conflict.
Amid the turmoil hastened by uprisings across the Middle East and North Africa in 2013, and indeed over the past three years, we must not forsake hope about the future of this region – even when its visible signs seem to be eerily absent – argues regional analyst and Ekklesia associate Dr Harry Hagopian.
In a briefing paper published by Ekklesia on the last day of the year, he offers seven lenses for viewing current and recent events.
As to the future, the hope is that the pain and sacrifice involved will prove a valve for genuine change. The MENA region is definitely in for the long haul. There are no easy or neat solutions. But today the road ahead still remains open, albeit bumpy.
* Three years in the Middle East & North Africa region, 2010-2013 | Harry Hagopian | Ekklesia |