A talk on ‘Disabled Church: Disabled Society’, by Ekklesia associate the Rev Dr John Gillibrand takes place at 7pm at Manchester Cathedral on Tuesday 18th November 2014.

A talk on ‘Disabled Church: Disabled Society’, by Ekklesia associate the Rev Dr John Gillibrand takes place at 7pm at Manchester Cathedral on Tuesday 18th November 2014.

This is one of a series of lectures by the Manchester Theological Society held regularly at the Cathedral, and stems from the book of the same name, which was nominated for the Michael Ramsey Prize 2013.

The talk takes police in the Nave, and is unticketed (free). It is part of the ‘Celebration of Theology’ series.

The Rev Rachel Mann, poet-in-residence at the Cathedral, author of ‘Dazzling Darkness’ and other books, and who herself lives with Crohn’s disease, says: “Please consider coming to this amazing lecture on theology, disability and society.”

* Details: http://www.manchestercathedral.org/events/719/celebration-of-theology-by-john-gillibrand