This year’s Methodist Conference will take place in Southport at the Southport Theatre & Convention Centre from 25 June to 2 July.

This year’s Methodist Conference will take place in Southport at the Southport Theatre & Convention Centre from 25 June to 2 July. The Conference is the governing body of the Methodist Church and meets annually to discuss matters affecting the life of the Church, the nation and the world.

Highlights at this year’s Conference will include:

– Induction of new President and Vice-President and Opening of Conference: Saturday 27 June, 2:15pm.
– New ministers being received into Full Connexion and ordination services: Sunday 28 June, from 10:45am.
– Courage, Cost & Hope: The Report on the Past Cases Review: Monday 29 June, 11:15am.
– Report from 3Generate, the Methodist Children & Youth Conference: Monday 29 June, 5pm.
– Issues of Connexionalism: Tuesday 30 June, 11:15am.
– Mission and Heritage activities resourced by the President and Vice-President: Tuesday 30 June, 2:15pm.
– Discussion of fossil fuels and ethical investment : Thursday 2 July, 9:30am.
– Induction of the Secretary of the Conference: Thursday 2 July, 11:15am.

The Conference’s representative session will open at 2.15pm on Saturday 27 June with the induction of the President of the Conference, the Rev Steven Wild, and the Vice-President, Dr Jill Barber. Their biographies are included in the Methodist Church press pack 2015/2016.

Following Sunday morning worship on 28 June, Methodist presbyters and deacons will be ordained in venues across the North West. Over 5,000 people are expected to attend the weekend events of the Conference.

The Past Cases Review is an independent review of all Safeguarding instances in the Methodist Church in Britain since 1950, undertaken by Jane Stacey. The report an apology to survivors and victims of abuse are available. (See below)

Video of debates and Conference worship will be streamed live online through the Methodist Conference website from Saturday 27 June onwards.

The Conference is a gathering of 306 full members drawn from each Methodist district, along with some who have been elected by the Conference, together with some ex officio members, international, ecumenical and youth representatives, and associate members.

You can check out a provisional timetable for the Representative Session online here, but please note that this may be subject to change. A press office will be available at the Conference and journalists wishing to attend should contact Toby Fairclough by email [email protected] or phone 0207 467 5208.

* Methodist Church press pack:…

* Past Cases Review report here:…

* Apology to survivore and victims of abure here:…

* Methodist Conference website here:…

* Conference agenda here…

* Twitter hashtag #methodistconf