Ekklesia’s Simon Barrow will be the keynote speaker at LGCM’s annual meeting in London on Saturday 27 October. His theme will be ‘Redeeming Christianity from the Margins’.

Ekklesia’s Simon Barrow will be the keynote speaker at LGCM’s annual meeting in London on Saturday 27 October. His theme will be ‘Redeeming Christianity from the Margins’.

The word ‘mission’ is threatening and off-putting for many pushed to the margins of church and society. Simon Barrow will explore competing understandings of “going into all the world” for Christians in the 21st century.

He will argue that imperial religion is destroying the authentic basis of Christlike community, and that effective Christian engagement with a plural and changing world is impossible without the witness of those a deformed “church of power” has wrongly learned to exclude.

Simon Barrow has been co-director of Ekklesia since 2005. He was previously assistant General Secretary and global mission secretary of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI), the official ecumenical body. His books include Christian Mission in Western Society (2001) and Fear or freedom? Why a warring church must change (2008).

* More information here: http://www.lgcm.org.uk/2012/10/2012-annual-conference-keynote-speaker-and-workshops/