With the US presidential election only a matter of days away, BBC Radio Scotland’s ‘Sunday Morning with Ricky Ross’ programme will explore why religion is so important in American political life, and the extent to which religion and belief may impact the outcome of the electoral process.
With the US presidential election only a matter of days away, BBC Radio Scotland’s ‘Sunday Morning with Ricky Ross’ programme will explore why religion is so important in American political life, and the extent to which religion and belief may impact the outcome of the electoral process.
Appearing on the programme, which starts at 07:05 on 4th November 2012, is Ekklesia co-director Simon Barrow, who lives in Edinburgh, is married to an American, and follows the transatlantic political scene; and Church of Scotland minister the Rev Sally Foster-Fulton, who is from South Carolina and has lived and worked in Scotland for 23 years.
The item will probably follow the news at 8am, but running orders can change. A podcast usually follows.
Ms Foster-Fulton is appearing in a personal capacity. She is based at Dunblane Cathedral and is the new Convener of the Kirk’s Church and Society Council. Her helpful and informative blog can be found at: http://cos-vps01.squiz.co.uk/blogs/church_and_society/
Simon Barrow is a writer, theologian and commentator. Before working for Ekklesia he was assistant General Secretary and global mission secretary of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI). See: http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/about/staff
* The programme can be found and listened to online here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01nph35