Today 17th June 2015 sees the biggest ever Climate Change Lobby of Parliament.

Today 17th June 2015 sees the biggest ever Climate Change Lobby of Parliament. The ‘Speak Up For The Love Of’ Lobby has been organised by the Climate Change Coalition and partners Stop Climate Chaos Cymru, and Stop Climate Chaos Scotland. Ten thousand people are expected to attend.

From 12pm-1pm there will be simultaneous services at Southwark and Westminster Cathedrals. This will be followed by people meeting their MPs whilst outside stalls and workshops will be held. The event will conclude with a rally in Parliament Square and is scheduled to finish at 4.30pm.

The event aims to ensure politicians work together in support of a global climate change agreement in Paris in December that will end carbon pollution from fossil fuels. It also calls for September’s Sustainable Development Goals to recognise the need for urgent and ambitious actions, and an end to the use of fossil fuels in the UK.

Supporters unable to attend are invited to email their MP.

The lobby comes the day before the official publication of the Pope’s Climate Change Encyclical, which is widely expected to make a strong case for urgent action on climate change