‘The Armenian genocide: remembering our sorrows and articulating our hopes?’ was the title of a talk given by Ekklesia associate Dr Harry Hagopian at St Werburgh’s Church in Dublin, Ireland, at the end of last month, 29 April 2013.
‘The Armenian genocide: remembering our sorrows and articulating our hopes?’ was the title of a talk given by Ekklesia associate Dr Harry Hagopian at St Werburgh’s Church in Dublin, Ireland, at the end of last month, 29 April 2013.
Youcan listen to the full talk on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP1oU1YYrqw&feature=youtu.be), starting with a brief introduction by the chair of the Armenian Mission Parish in Dublin, followed by a few words from the Armenian Orthodox Primate and then the main talk. The proceedings conclude with Archbishop Michael Jackson’s important words and a blessing.
See also ‘The Armenian Genocide” On Not Forgetting’ (http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/node/17886), the 2010 Constantinople Lecture when Dr Hagopian spoke about ‘The Armenian Genocide: A way forward?’ (http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/ConstantinopleLecture) and related Ekklesia commentary and news (http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/armeniangenocide).
This is also an opportunity to draw attention to the www.armenians.ie website for the Armenian Community in Ireland.
Harry Hagopian is an international lawyer, ecumenist and EU political consultant. He also acts as a Middle East and inter-faith advisor to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales and as Middle East consultant to ACEP (Christians in Politics) in Paris. He is an Ekklesia associate and regular contributor (http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/HarryHagopian). Formerly an Executive Secretary of the Jerusalem Inter-Church Committee and Executive Director of the Middle East Council of Churches, he is now an international fellow, Sorbonne III University, Paris, consultant to the Campaign for Recognition of the Armenian Genocide (UK), Ecumenical consultant to the Primate of Armenian Church in UK & Ireland, and author of The Armenian Church in the Holy Land. Dr Hagopian’s own website is www.epektasis.net Follow him on Twitter here: @harryhagopian