One of the tag-lines for our annual appeal ( this year is “Christmas truce? Help make it permanent.”

One of the tag-lines for our annual appeal ( this year is “Christmas truce? Help make it permanent.”

The second in our series of questions arising from the ‘Who Would Jesus Shoot?’ debate about war and peace is:

What are the most important things the churches should be doing in 2015 to change the agenda on war and peace, and to help generate alternatives to armed conflict?

Whether your consider yourself a pacifist / nonviolence advocate, take a ‘just war’ approach, or are not sure but want to help make a difference in a world of continuing strife, we’d like to hear from you. Please go to the Ekklesia Facebook ‘group’ page and make your comments there:

For those that missed it, the recent “Who Would Jesus Shoot?” discussion on war and peace was co-hosted by Ekklesia with the Anabaptist Network, the Mennonite Trust, Union Chapel, Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church and Greenbelt. More about the evening can be found here ( Our speakers were Canadian Mennonite peace church Professor Tom Yoder-Neufeld, whose visit we supported, and Oxford-based Professor Nigel Biggar, an advocate of the just war position.

We are going to be continuing the conversation online into the New Year.

* Please support our annual appeal to back our peacemaking work:

* ‘Who Would Jesus Shoot?’ link page:

* For more information on re-imagining Remembrance and developing alternatives to war, see:

* More on Christmas from Ekklesia here:

* More on Advent: