Welcome to the new Ekklesia website

EKKLESIA IS PLEASED to be launching its new website for a new year – our twentieth in operation as a pioneering think-tank (and now change network) on beliefs, ethics and politics. This is the fourth redesign since we appeared on the web in 2002. It also marks a...

Christ the stumbling block and refiner

Luke 2: 22-40, Hebrews 2: 14-18, Malachi 3: 1-4 Now there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon, just and devout… and the Holy Spirit rested upon him (Luke 2: 25). ACCORDING TO TRADITIONS that go back to the fourth and fifth centuries in the Eastern church, it...

Rejecting sacrifice, embracing healing

Hebrews 7: 23-28; Mark 10: 46-52 “[Christ] has no need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins and then for those of the people; this he did once for all when he offered himself.” – Hebrews 7: 27. SOME YEARS AGO I was involved in a fascinating...

Menno Simons award goes to peace sermon on Ukraine

THE Center for Peace Theology at University of Hamburg, Germany, together with the Mennonite Congregation in Hamburg-Altona, has given the international Menno Simons Preaching Award to Riki Neufeld, pastor at the Evangelical Mennonite Congregation Schänzli in Muttenz...

Gaza news updates and truth-sourcing

IMPORTANT: Ekklesia Network X/Twitter updates on Gaza and Israel Palestine continue, though this page ceased activity on 7 September 2024. ——————————————— IT HAS long been said...