Tiny Pacific nation seeks global climate change help

One of the world’s smallest nations, Tuvalu, has a big problem. Slowly, but surely, it is “going under” the relentless waves of the Pacific. Tuvaluans know it, but they don’t accept that sinking is their ultimate fate – writes Kim Cain...

Caribbean leaders urged to reject unfair EU trade deal

The UK-based international development agency Christian Aid is among those urging Caribbean heads of government to refuse to sign a new trade deal that the European Union (EU) is attempting to force onto the region. Caribbean leaders meeting in Barbados on Wednesday...

Australian arms fair cancelled following public opposition

A major arms fair due to begin on Remembrance Day in Adelaide, Australia, has been cancelled because of high levels of protest. In the UK, the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) has welcomed the news as further evidence that opposition to the arms trade is growing...