Taken form the ‘Service of Challenge, Commitment and Blessing’ at the Operation Noah service at Grosvenor Chapel, London. This was part of the Stop Climate Chaos Rally held on November 4th 2006

Oceans warming
Coral dying
Sea rising
Land disappearing
Ice caps melting
Polar bears dying
Rivers flooding
Waters overwhelming…

Calming, caring God
Help us act to still the storm
For now, for ever

Storms destroying
Chaos reigning
Cities flooding
People moving
Disease spreading
Homes disappearing
Crops failing
Hope fading

Calming, caring God…
Help us act to still the storm
For now, for ever

Planet shaping
World creating
Life forming
Spirit breathing
Law guiding
Cradle birthing
Cross bearing
Hope rising

Calming, caring God…
Help us act to still the storm
For now, for ever