Liberals criticise Archbishop for handling of gay row -20/01/05
The Archbishop of Canterbury and other senior
Liberals criticise Archbishop for handling of gay row -20/01/05
The Archbishop of Canterbury and other senior Anglicans are to be criticised for weak and dishonest leadership in a book to be published next month, by a group headed by a diocesan bishop, reports the Daily Telegraph. Dr Rowan Williams and his colleagues are reportedly described as “frightened” or “inept” and are criticised for turning a minor crisis over homosexuality into a “full scale disaster”, in The Windsor Report: A Liberal Response to be published on 1st February.
Liberals criticise Archbishop for handling of gay row -20/01/05
The Archbishop of Canterbury and other senior Anglicans are to be criticised for weak and dishonest leadership in a book to be published next month, by a group headed by a diocesan bishop, reports the Daily Telegraph. Dr Rowan Williams and his colleagues are reportedly described as “frightened” or “inept” and are criticised for turning a minor crisis over homosexuality into a “full scale disaster”, in The Windsor Report: A Liberal Response to be published on 1st February.