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Pope takes hard line on sexual ethics


In his first major pronouncement on gay marriages since his election, Pope Benedict XVI has condemned same-sex unions as ëfakeí and has said that they are expressions of ìanarchic freedomî that threaten the future of the family.

Benedict, who came into office in April this year, also used the opportunity to condemn divorce, birth control, trial marriages and free-style unions, saying all of these practices were dangerous and wrong.

The Pope was speaking this week to families at St Johnís Cathedral in Rome. Progressives in the Catholic Church are already expressing disappointment at the unyieldingly hard-line nature of his message.

Issues of sexual morality have become highly controversial around the world, particularly in Africa, Europe and the United States.

Two months ago, the national parliament in traditionally Catholic Spain gave initial approval to a law legalising gay marriage. It is widely expected to be approved by the senate and to become law.

But last week Californiaís Assembly killed off a bill that would have allowed gay marriage in the most populous US state.

The Pope, who as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger headed the Vaticanís doctrinal watchdog for more than two decades, condemned what he called the ìbanalisation of the human bodyî.

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Pope takes hard line on sexual ethics


In his first major pronouncement on gay marriages since his election, Pope Benedict XVI has condemned same-sex unions as ëfake’ and has said that they are expressions of ‘anarchic freedom’ that threaten the future of the family.

Benedict, who came into office in April this year, also used the opportunity to condemn divorce, birth control, trial marriages and free-style unions, saying all of these practices were dangerous and wrong.

The Pope was speaking this week to families at St John’s Cathedral in Rome. Progressives in the Catholic Church are already expressing disappointment at the unyieldingly hard-line nature of his message.

Issues of sexual morality have become highly controversial around the world, particularly in Africa, Europe and the United States.

Two months ago, the national parliament in traditionally Catholic Spain gave initial approval to a law legalising gay marriage. It is widely expected to be approved by the senate and to become law.

But last week California’s Assembly killed off a bill that would have allowed gay marriage in the most populous US state.

The Pope, who as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger headed the Vatican’s doctrinal watchdog for more than two decades, condemned what he called the ‘banalisation of the human body’.