Call for end to military action against Ethiopians


World Council of Churches

Call for end to military action against Ethiopians


World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Samuel Kobia has called on the Ethiopian government “to exercise utmost restraint and bring to an immediate halt the military action against the people and release the political prisoners as soon as possible”.

In a letter sent last Friday to Ethiopian prime minister, Meles Zenawi, Kobia expresses “great sadness” for the “death of many Ethiopians following demonstrations and riots in Addis Ababa”, and warns that “further military action against the people is an escalation of violence and will further damage the political climate and make dialogue even less possible”.

Kobia met Zenawi last September when visiting the WCC member churches in the country, and expressed his conviction that “honest dialogue with the opposition” was needed. After his visit, he wrote to the leadership of the Coalition for Unity and Democracy and the United Ethiopian Democratic Forces with the same appeal “to resolve the political impasse through dialogue”.

In the letter Kobia states; “Subsequent to our meeting, I had written to the leadership of the Coalition for Unity and Democracy and the United Ethiopian Democratic Forces, with the same appeal and underlining the urgent need for a mature and amicable approach to resolve the crisis that has led to the political polarisation and confrontation. I encouraged them, in the larger and long-term interest of Ethiopia, to resolve the political impasse through dialogue.

“It is therefore with great sadness that I have learned of the death of many Ethiopians following demonstrations and riots in Addis Ababa this week” he continues.

“Many others are wounded and remain in hospital. The Government has also attacked the opposition leaders arresting key figures and putting them under detention. These developments are not likely to lead to a peaceful resolution, but instead would aggravate the situation.

“Consequent to the actions taken by the government the wedge between the government and the opposition will widen, thereby unnecessarily dividing the population and leading to economic and political hardship. It could even destabilise the entire nation with all the adverse effects on the laudable initiatives you have taken on development and democratisation process.

“The World Council of Churches urgently and respectfully calls on Your Excellency to exercise utmost restraint and bring to an immediate halt the military action against the people and release the political prisoners as soon as possible.”

Call for end to military action against Ethiopians


World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Samuel Kobia has called on the Ethiopian government “to exercise utmost restraint and bring to an immediate halt the military action against the people and release the political prisoners as soon as possible”.

In a letter sent last Friday to Ethiopian prime minister, Meles Zenawi, Kobia expresses “great sadness” for the “death of many Ethiopians following demonstrations and riots in Addis Ababa”, and warns that “further military action against the people is an escalation of violence and will further damage the political climate and make dialogue even less possible”.

Kobia met Zenawi last September when visiting the WCC member churches in the country, and expressed his conviction that “honest dialogue with the opposition” was needed. After his visit, he wrote to the leadership of the Coalition for Unity and Democracy and the United Ethiopian Democratic Forces with the same appeal “to resolve the political impasse through dialogue”.

In the letter Kobia states; “Subsequent to our meeting, I had written to the leadership of the Coalition for Unity and Democracy and the United Ethiopian Democratic Forces, with the same appeal and underlining the urgent need for a mature and amicable approach to resolve the crisis that has led to the political polarisation and confrontation. I encouraged them, in the larger and long-term interest of Ethiopia, to resolve the political impasse through dialogue.

“It is therefore with great sadness that I have learned of the death of many Ethiopians following demonstrations and riots in Addis Ababa this week” he continues.

“Many others are wounded and remain in hospital. The Government has also attacked the opposition leaders arresting key figures and putting them under detention. These developments are not likely to lead to a peaceful resolution, but instead would aggravate the situation.

“Consequent to the actions taken by the government the wedge between the government and the opposition will widen, thereby unnecessarily dividing the population and leading to economic and political hardship. It could even destabilise the entire nation with all the adverse effects on the laudable initiatives you have taken on development and democratisation process.

“The World Council of Churches urgently and respectfully calls on Your Excellency to exercise utmost restraint and bring to an immediate halt the military action against the people and release the political prisoners as soon as possible.”