Vatican backs Catholic opposition to Trident replacement


The Vatican has back

Vatican backs Catholic opposition to Trident replacement


The Vatican has backed the opposition of Scotland’s Catholic bishops to the Trident missile system and its possible replacement.

The news comes as Christians in Scotland step up their campaign against nuclear weapons, with a five day march next week.

In April this year, Catholic Bishops welcomed the Prime Minister’s statement that there should be the “fullest possible” public debate on the Trident nuclear missile system. It also affirmed the Church’s position on nuclear weapons that their use was “a crime against God and against humanity”.

Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, sent a letter to Cardinal Keith O’Brien endorsing the bishops’ declaration which urged “the government of the United Kingdom not to invest in a replacement for the Trident system.”

Cardinal Martino, who was formerly the Holy See’s representative at the United Nations, said: “The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace appreciates the above-mentioned statement, which gives a clear view of the Holy See’s position on nuclear weapons and a sound answer to the prime minister’s request to promote the ‘fullest possible’ public debate on the Trident nuclear missile system.

“Nuclear weapons represent a grave threat to the human family; the social doctrine of the Church proposes the goal of a ‘general, balanced and controlled disarmament.’ In this light, the statement issued by the bishops’ conference of Scotland constitutes a service and a reason to hope in a more peaceful world.”

Cardinal O’Brien, president of the bishops’ conference of Scotland, welcomed Cardinal Martino’s words.

“This heartening and encouraging letter from Cardinal Martino will undoubtedly renew the resolve of Scotland’s Catholics and other people of good will who are campaigning for an end to nuclear weapons,” said Cardinal O’Brien.

A recently produced study guide on nuclear weapons is circulating in parishes throughout Scotland, as well as a petition against the renewal of the Trident system.

Vatican backs Catholic opposition to Trident replacement


The Vatican has backed the opposition of Scotland’s Catholic bishops to the Trident missile system and its possible replacement.

The news comes as Christians in Scotland step up their campaign against nuclear weapons, with a five day march next week.

In April this year, Catholic Bishops welcomed the Prime Minister’s statement that there should be the “fullest possible” public debate on the Trident nuclear missile system. It also affirmed the Church’s position on nuclear weapons that their use was “a crime against God and against humanity”.

Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, sent a letter to Cardinal Keith O’Brien endorsing the bishops’ declaration which urged “the government of the United Kingdom not to invest in a replacement for the Trident system.”

Cardinal Martino, who was formerly the Holy See’s representative at the United Nations, said: “The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace appreciates the above-mentioned statement, which gives a clear view of the Holy See’s position on nuclear weapons and a sound answer to the prime minister’s request to promote the ‘fullest possible’ public debate on the Trident nuclear missile system.

“Nuclear weapons represent a grave threat to the human family; the social doctrine of the Church proposes the goal of a ‘general, balanced and controlled disarmament.’ In this light, the statement issued by the bishops’ conference of Scotland constitutes a service and a reason to hope in a more peaceful world.”

Cardinal O’Brien, president of the bishops’ conference of Scotland, welcomed Cardinal Martino’s words.

“This heartening and encouraging letter from Cardinal Martino will undoubtedly renew the resolve of Scotland’s Catholics and other people of good will who are campaigning for an end to nuclear weapons,” said Cardinal O’Brien.

A recently produced study guide on nuclear weapons is circulating in parishes throughout Scotland, as well as a petition against the renewal of the Trident system.