EU urged not to fund embryo experiments


European Catholic bishops have urged the European Union not to fund destructive research on human embryos.

EU urged not to fund embryo experiments


European Catholic bishops have urged the European Union not to fund destructive research on human embryos.

The Commission of the Bishops of the European Community (COMECE) issued a statement at the conclusion of its Spring plenary meeting in Brussels dealing with various topics of concern, including the EU’s multi-million euro Sixth Framework Programme for Research.

At present there is a moratorium on EU funding of destructive research under this programme, but a planned review of ethical guidelines could open the way for funding of this type of research to begin from the start of next year despite the fact that it is banned in a number of current and prospective EU member countries.

The COMECE statement called on the EU to “respect the different ethical approaches to research with human embryos and embryonic stem cells in member states”.

EU urged not to fund embryo experiments


European Catholic bishops have urged the European Union not to fund destructive research on human embryos.

The Commission of the Bishops of the European Community (COMECE) issued a statement at the conclusion of its Spring plenary meeting in Brussels dealing with various topics of concern, including the EU’s multi-million euro Sixth Framework Programme for Research.

At present there is a moratorium on EU funding of destructive research under this programme, but a planned review of ethical guidelines could open the way for funding of this type of research to begin from the start of next year despite the fact that it is banned in a number of current and prospective EU member countries.

The COMECE statement called on the EU to “respect the different ethical approaches to research with human embryos and embryonic stem cells in member states”.