Inclusive bible uses feminist critique


The German Evangelical Church is translating the bible into inclusive language drawing on a feminist

Inclusive bible uses feminist critique


The German Evangelical Church is translating the bible into inclusive language drawing on a feminist critique of the biblical text.

More than 50 translators are working on a new edition of the bible.

They are rewriting passages which are seen to discriminate against women, and are also using “unbiased and just” language.

The term disciple is to be changed to “disciples and disciplesses” and forms of address such “Our Father” will be changed.

The translation project will run to 10,000 copies printed by the Gueterslohe publishing house in 2004.

Inclusive bible uses feminist critique


The German Evangelical Church is translating the bible into inclusive language drawing on a feminist critique of the biblical text.

More than 50 translators are working on a new edition of the bible.

They are rewriting passages which are seen to discriminate against women, and are also using “unbiased and just” language.

The term disciple is to be changed to “disciples and disciplesses” and forms of address such “Our Father” will be changed.

The translation project will run to 10,000 copies printed by the Gueterslohe publishing house in 2004.