Next week is International Compost Awareness Week, which runs from Sunday 06 May – Saturday 12 May 2007. What better time to do your bit for the environment and get a composter?
You can compost most things. Garden & kitchen waste (also meat cooked or uncooked including poultry if you get a special composter) any dairy products, plastic, glass, metal, nappies, bananas or other fruit and veg that have been treated with herbicides.
Composting is a very old and natural process. New soil improver compost is one of the very best things you can use in your garden. Ask any keen gardener and you will find that they have been composting for years!
There are a number of composters you can buy: kitchen composters, garden composters. Here are a number of places you can buy a composter:
They have a range of composters, including an all-waste kitchen composter which allows you to turn all food waste including all cooked foods into nutrient-rich compost. Just pop your waste into the air-tight 18L container along with the compost activator, which is a bran-based material made with a culture of friendly micro-organisms that speeds up fermentation.
The liquid feed produced is alive with beneficial microbes and can be drained off and diluted as a plant feed or poured down drains to prevent algae build up and odours. The process does not produce smells or attract flies so the container can be safely kept in the kitchen.
Click see the full range of composters from the Natural Collection
You can get a wide range of composters from the Ethical Superstore including a live worm compost bin, with live worms supplied. Worms can halve the time required to turn waste into rich compost.
Click see the full range of composters from Ethical Superstore